Get more value out of Teamtailor

Automatically screen, assess & match candidates

Easily increase chance of hiring top performers by 200% and save 30% on time recruiting

Connecting to Master

Why use Master with Teamtailor?

  • Fully & easily integrated and embedded in your existing Teamtailor solution

  • Complete range of assessments from Master HR

  • Automates the process and saves 30% time: From collaborating on job criteria and communicating with candidates to final screening

  • Better and simplified decision-making with ‘Match score'’ and ‘Fit to company values’

  • Data and insights-driven – increases your chance of hiring top performers by 200%

  • Improving the experience for both candidates and hiring managers with ‘normal’ business language and visual and intuitive reports, everyone will easily understand

  • Global ecosystem of partners offering first class local support and advisory services

How to connect

Easily connect Master to your Teamtailor solution

Let us demonstrate how

Contact our Teamtailor specialist

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